Retrieve the Apptainer image
apptainer pull fenics.sif oras://gricad-registry.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/diamond/apptainer/apptainer-singularity-projects/fenics-from-guix.sif:latest
FEniCS is an open-source software platform designed for the numerical solution of partial differential equations (PDEs) using finite element methods. It provides a comprehensive environment for defining, discretizing, and solving complex problems in applied mathematics, physics, and engineering. FEniCS adopts an automated approach that allows users to specify high-level mathematical equations while leveraging efficient, optimized computations. The software comprises several integrated modules, including DOLFIN, a library for computation and mesh handling, and UFL, a language for defining weak forms. It is primarily written in C++ with user-friendly Python interfaces and supports parallel computing environments.
Learn how to use this specific container image (to be added)
FEniCS documentation
Official website
Official documentation
Examples: input files (to be added)